Wednesday, October 12, 2011

40 days of thankfulness (day 2.5 gah!)

1. i am thankful for my husband.
2. i am thankful for my son.

i already missed a day of blogging! ha. i was going to post something about jake but he probably distracted me.

Monday, October 10, 2011

40 days of thankfulness (day 1 con't)

My husband and I met in 1995 in high school. we were in band together. we were good friends. we've been dating since 2000. I can say that we've taken care of each other through thick and thin. even though his job keeps us apart we are deeply together in spirit. I am most thankful for his love and dedication he shows to me and the family. He wouldn't get married to me unless he was able to provide for us, and back then while I was waiting for him, I felt that he was being selfish. I felt like he had put his needs over mine... but I was very wrong.

I love you so much.

40 days of thankfulness (day 1)

1. i am thankful for my husband.