Tuesday, November 06, 2007

paul is hoping to get med boarded. our neighbor's husband deployed last week and secretly i think it hit him hard. he is leaving his 7 month old behind too. he didn't go to sending off, i would have gone to be there for jen but paul didn't want to go. he has also been dealing with a lot of bullcrap at work (which actually isn't his fault) which in the end made him do a 24 on 8 off (they didn't have a driver so instead of calling the morning guy for the next day they called him the night guy instead!!!) then 12 on then an 8 off 16 on (because of halloween). i would be mad to if you had to just sit there and do 'cold weather training' 48+ hours within 72 hours (it was supposed to be a guard duty... but they weren't guarding anything... weapons weren't even loaded ><

he is seriously thinking of not reenlisting. i guess we will know when the time comes.


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