Saturday, June 11, 2011

culture gap.

my husband is fourth generation japanese and I happen to be second generation.... and its becoming apparent on our name choices for the little girl. a lot of japanese americans who have been here since the early 1900s love old classic japanese names like emiko, sachiko, sachie, etc.

I just don't like antiquated Japanese names... also growing up with a japanese name that no one could pronounce, a japanese name that can easily be said in english is also important to me... but paul's choices are nothing but!

some of his choices are:


my choices are:


erina kate is at the top of the list. what also kills me is that it seems like everyone likes it (japanese and american friends) except my own husband. I hope we can get this figured out. I'm gonna go look at some books on japanese names soon to come up with a classic with a new twist.


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