Tuesday, June 27, 2006

bleh. so richard never called me back so i didn't go eat. i think it was some kind of divine intervention. maybe my stomach is happier for it. heh. so paul's mom called. she is coming to the graduation!! i'm realy happy to hear that. i think (although i KNOW he wouldn't admit it) it will mean something to him. he thinks that his mom isn't happy with him at all, but i think her being there will show him that she is still proud of him. so i am looking forward to everything in less than four weeks. i don't know. it is when it all comes together. my parents and his parents too. i am a bit worried... but i guess its all cool. just like scyan said, fuck em. it doesn't matter what other people think. just be yourself. heh yea right. only if i was that easy.

so i can't believe i have survived 8 weeks. of course i wish everything had gone according to plan, then he would be graduating next week... but everything happens for a reason... and i am happy. who knows maybe he would have had a tougher time...

lol my dad is alseep in his chair at the table.

well thats all i need to go to bed.


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