Tuesday, June 27, 2006

hoping hoping hoping hoping....

grrr... i am so bummed. paul did not call last sunday so i have no clue what is going on. i don't know how his PT test went. from what i think... and the lack of a call... probably not good. i am so sadden to even think anything about him. i never thought a phone call can affect me this way... on sunday i thought the whole week is just going to be HORRIBLE. i thought that i wouldn't be able to focus on work and i would just want to be holed up somewhere and just cry that i am worried to death about the outcome of his traning... but all i can do is hope for the best, and keep him encouraged. its so hard to do that. its so hard to keep my chin up when i feel so down.

fortunately, the week has been good. work is good. the kids are great. allan is a great partner.

i went to dinner with paul's mom and she explained to me they reason why she is not angry at paul... and it made so much sense. she said that there are people out there with degrees that aren't doing what they love but they do it for the paycheck, but paul has overcome many obstacles to do what he wants to do. there was the ASBAV... he had to score a 96 out of 99. and since he scored a 98 out of 99, that gave him an opportunity to get ANY job in the army and he chose to fly UAVs. so it must be something he really wants to do. and it wasn't easy to even apply for this job. he needed to pass his physical. he needed security clearence. he needs to pass basic traning. he needed to have the courage to even sign up. he has done all this to get to where he is. if this is truly what he loves then so be it. i was glad she thought that way. i just wish she could tell paul what she told me.

going to buffet with richard again. my stomach is growling.


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