Monday, August 14, 2006

the GOOD the BAD and the UGLY in arizona

GOOD: i got to see paul. i kissed him and hugged him and hung out with him. the hilton we stayed at was SO NICE. the 3 hour drive between palm springs and pheonix wasn't that bad (i drove it). enterprise rental car reimbursts us the car rental fees for the entire trip. paul has better signal after he updated his PRL. We got to take monday off so we didn't have to drive 14 hours (THANK YOU rochelle) on sunday.

BAD: i had to drive between tucson and fort huachuca twice (twice, because i forgot the rental agreement that i did not need the second time to went... ><). some of my time with paul was cut short by some kind of flak jacket turn in.

UGLY: on saturday, our car got broken into while we stopped for lunch right outside of pheonix. they stole paul's laptop AND tower, but not the TV. we had to wait about an HOUR and a HALF in the heat for the police woman to show up. then there was an accident on the 2 lane highway so the traffic was at a complete stop. alison and i took this pic on the 10. that is our feet on the interstate 10.

thats about it. thanks alison for putting up with me.


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