Tuesday, September 16, 2008

we are so boring!

you're right. paul and i sat at the computer today and we agreed on one thing, that we must be the most boring couple in the world. we are 7000 thousand miles apart and we had nothing really to say each other. no drama, no news, no crazy talk, nothing.

problem is that we are both in limbo. he is stuck in kuwait. he was supposed to ship out to iraq but that has been delayed and he has been doing nothing (he says he will probably be doing nothing in iraq too and i told him then this is good training for him :P). its also hot in kuwait, so even if he wanted to do something i don't think he wants to walk out in the heat. i on the other hand do not have a working vehicle at this time. the truck was leaking oil after the trip so uncle tad is fixing it. i hang out with family, i do my thing (usually go to the farmers market, walk dog in afternoon, walk to starbucks, surf internet, eat, sleep, watch TV, rub belly, play video games...) and that's nothing of news to him. i haven't been emotionally a bent out of shape, baby is doing good so far, and the truth is i feel like its been easier than it should be. again, its only been a couple weeks and it may hit me in a couple months but as of now these last three weeks have felt... weird because i haven't really felt much of what i thought i should be feeling. don't get me wrong, there are some times when i do think of paul because of something. usually its something we did together (farmers market was one), but it came and went away... and i was back there again on saturday.

maybe its because i'm letting myself live and grieve.


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