Tuesday, November 07, 2006

i think a lot of things wrong today are stemming from people who believe that people should be a certain way or that we should believe in some certain ideology and that is the only way. the my way or the highway mentality. believe it or not, this happens before we are born... with the doctors who decide how we should be born (i'm crazy about midwifery, homebirths, and having choices in the manner which we give birth to children... that could be a whole other blog post). then our gender separation (pink for girls and blue for boys... it was hard to find anything gender neutral at baby gap! this is especially because we have tests to confirm the sex of our children.). this way of thinking seeps into our school, work place and society as a whole.

yesterday a co-worker of mine (whose husband served in the airforce for 22+ years) and i were talking about iraq and the problems there. is democracy what they truly need? or is it a government created based on their religion? or a rightous dictator? i really don't know the answer but i feel like we are sending our men there to not protect freedom, but to unleash a sense of our way or the highway down their throats... and because of the nature of my work (working with kids if any of you don't know) i think this will only make then defiant and fight us, like children who do want want to be told what to do. no one wants to be told what to do. and i'm sure muslims and islamic people don't want a country made of mostly christians telling them what to do either.

what we need is peace in iraq. maybe it will come along with democracy. maybe it won't. whatever it is, the iraqui people must bring it forth themselves. i'm praying that they will.


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