Sunday, February 12, 2006

i went to yoga yesterday even tho i was sore as hell. i had to quit at the 30 minute mark, my back couldn't take it anymore. i think paul and i were both sick. haha. he has stomach problems for a while and i got it too. his dad says its sympathy pain. that i'm feeling paul's nervousness about him going to the army. heh. paul joked that we are symbionts. that kinda make me secretly sad inside. we are symbionts that are going to be apart in 2 months. the feeling lasted for only a second... it went away when i saw him smile.

so paul announced a lot of what has been going on finally to his dad's side of the family... with positive reactions from everyone. he hasn't told his mom tho and we are not really sure how that is going to turn out. i'm sure she will take it pretty calmly on the outside while screaming on the inside until she realizes that paul wouldn't be really going into combat (hopefully) and that he would be safe in the trenches of texas, barstow, or arizona instead of in iraq or afganistan.

some of people's reaction towards me is that:

  1. can't believe i'm letting him do this.
  2. wouldn't you be so sad to be away from him?
  3. don't worry he would be faithful.
  4. you're brave for letting him go.

ok so i am letting him do this because it is what he wants to do. am i spoiling him? i know i would be sad being away from him for 4 and a half months but what am i going to do? break down and tell him to forget his perhaps a once in a lifetime opportunity? i don't think so. i am very happy for him and he better go to boot camp without any bad feelings or guilt for leaving me behind (or he'd know what'd be coming to him!). well for number 3 i never even thought about that but it was something that someone had mentioned. lastly, this would be a new beginning for both of us which i think makes him really excited. so why wouldn't i let him go anyway?


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